Friday, August 6, 2010


So, this is the first post. This may well be the only post. We'll see how it goes.

Why a blog? Two reasons.

1. I'm just about to start my senior year of college and the reality that I will be graduating and thus have to go and make my way in the Real World and Find A Job and all those "fun" things has just smacked me between the eyes. It is fairly terrifying. Therefore, I figure I can post about it here from time to time so anyone who stumbles across the blog can laugh at my misery. I'm giving and generous like that.

2. My mom has just been diagnosed with a type of bone cancer, and she's getting really frustrated at the entire process and keeps telling me one of us should do a blog. So I might blog about that, too. (Don't worry, most of it will probably be me complaining about how stupid the medical system in the US is, so you'll be able to laugh at that, too. When in doubt, be entertained, this is my theory.)

Why "PirateFoxy"?

The blog address is entirely because I am lazy and couldn't think of anything and hey, my dog is named Pirate and my mom's dog is named Foxy. Plus, I  keep hoping that one of my talented artist friends will draw a cute little cartoon Pirate Foxy.

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